Monday, August 5, 2013

invite all of the married couples onto the dance floor. The DJ announces years of marriage in five-year increments and the couples sit down when they hear theirs called. At the end of the song, the couple that has been married the longest remains and provides words of wisdom for a long, happy marriage... Cute idea.

Love the wooden barrel, the chandelier, and the see through drapes in the distance. Want!
Love the wooden barrel, the chandelier, and the see through drapes in the distance. Want!
invite all of the married couples onto the dance floor. The DJ announces years of marriage in five-year increments and the couples sit down when they hear theirs called. At the end of the song, the couple that has been married the longest remains and provides words of wisdom for a long, happy marriage... Cute idea.
invite all of the married couples onto the dance floor. The DJ announces years of marriage in five-year increments and the couples sit down when they hear theirs called. At the end of the song, the couple that has been married the longest remains and provides words of wisdom for a long, happy marriage... Cute idea.
Rows of lit trees line the aisle for a night time wedding
Rows of lit trees line the aisle for a night time wedding

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